Restorative Treatment for Missing Teeth

5 Benefits of Dental Crowns

Do you cover your smile because of a missing tooth or teeth?

Restore your smile with treatment options that replace teeth and enhance oral health. Missing teeth can offer a variety of problems if they are not replaced. Crooked teeth can develop from remaining teeth filling in the gap left by a missing tooth. Missing teeth can also impede speech and make it more difficult to bite and chew. However, Dr. Mark Sowell & Associates have solutions that are custom-created for patients.

Treatments for Missing Teeth

Before treatment, Dr. Sowell will assess your tooth and gum health to determine which solution will work best for you. Then a treatment plan will be created to restore your smile.

Some of the treatments for missing teeth include:

Dental Implants

Titanium posts are implanted during this procedure to replace missing teeth and act as a tooth root. After the post or posts are implanted, they are allowed to heal and bond with bone tissue for 3 to 6 months. The post or posts are then covered with a dental crown which protects the tooth or teeth.

This procedure is effective for patients who are missing one tooth or several teeth. Dental implants can also last for over 30 years with the correct dental care.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges “bridge the gap” that is created by a missing tooth. Teeth or crowns adjacent to the gap can be used to hold the bridge that secures natural and replacement teeth in place. This solution replaces and aligns teeth to make sure that teeth are balanced.

Implant Dentures

For patients who are missing the upper, lower, or both arches of teeth, implant secured dentures can be an effective treatment. Implants ensure that dentures are fixed in place. This treatment helps to maintain the structure of the jaw for improved oral health. Dentures also make it easier to bite and chew. Dentures are great for patients who want a permanent smile restoration.

Schedule an Appointment

If you want to replace your missing teeth for a more balanced smile, call us at (972) 382-6855. You can also schedule an appointment with us online here.