Comparing Dentures and Dental Implants

Both dentures and dental implants can replace missing teeth, but the best choice for patients depends on their specific needs. Dental implants and dentures both have their respective pros and cons, but dental implants are the best choice over traditional removable dentures.

Dr. Mark Sowell and his dental team at Aesthetic Dentistry Centre provide restorative dental care in Plano, TX. They help patients restore the gaps in their smiles for a more uniform look. If you often wonder, “Which is right for me: dentures or implants?”, contact Aesthetic Dentistry Centre today.

comparing dentures and dental implants plano tx

Dental Implants and Dentures Provide Almost The Same Benefits

Dentures have existed as a proven restorative treatment for missing teeth for many years. They are complete sets of prosthetic teeth that fit and function like natural teeth. Although dentures cost less than dental implants, they also require more maintenance by the patient.

Dental implants actually refer to the titanium posts that are placed surgically in the jaw. A dental crown is mounted on top of the post and offers the same functionality as natural teeth. If more teeth are missing and damaged, Dr. Sowell can support a full arch of missing teeth using only 4 implants. This type of dental restoration is called an implant-secured denture or an All-on-four implant denture. When secured with implants, dentures do not require special maintenance. Dental implants look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. Unlike dentures, dental implants do not break easily or change shape over time.

Can Dental Implants Benefit Me?

Patients with a healthy jawbone and enough bone in their mouth are good candidates for implants. If you do not have enough supporting bone, there are treatments for the re-growing jawbone. People who are missing multiple teeth may also benefit from implant-supported dentures. When secured with implants, dentures improve jawbone health. Traditional removable dentures can not stabilize the smile or benefit the underlying bone.

Restore Your Smile in Plano, TX

Do you want to restore your smile with dental implants or implant-secured dentures? Contact Aesthetic Dentistry Centre today at (972) 382-6855 or schedule a dental appointment online. Let our team know if you have any remaining questions and they will be happy to assist you!