dental hygiene

3 Dental Hygiene Tips

Your oral hygiene is vital, not just for a pretty smile. Studies show that oral hygiene connects to your overall wellness. Therefore, you will see many “rules” to follow. Amongst a sea of dental tips and recommendations, here are a few easy-to-follow ways to improve your dental hygiene

How You Brush Is Important

Most people know that brushing your teeth is vital for your oral health. However, you may not think about how important it is to examine HOW you brush your teeth. 

Dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day in order to remove plaque from your teeth. Plaque is a form of bacteria that sticks to the surfaces of your teeth. Without proper removal, plaque can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

When you brush your teeth, you should brush for at least two minutes. This should allow you enough time to get rid of most of the harmful bacteria on your teeth. Additionally, you should brush the front surface of your teeth with gentle circles. A circular motion is more effective at removing plaque than brushing side-to-side or up and down. 

Another way you can add to your oral hygiene is to brush every surface of your mouth. Obviously, you should brush all of your teeth. However, you should brush your tongue, inner cheeks, and the roof of your mouth. As a result, you will remove more bacteria. Plaque doesn’t only cling to your teeth; it grows on every surface in your mouth. 

Brushing Is Not Enough—Floss

While brushing your teeth is essential, it is not enough to remove all the harmful bacteria. Flossing is the other necessary step in your oral care routine. Unlike brushing, flossing allows you to reach between your teeth and underneath your gum line. Without flossing, you can develop cavities in hard-to-reach areas, making them more difficult to repair.

Additionally, a lack of flossing can irritate your gums. The plaque will grow under your gum line, which your toothbrush can’t reach. Over time, your gums can become red, swollen, or painful. This is the beginning stage of gum disease. 

Include Your Diet

Another way to boost your oral health is to take a look at your diet. You should try to avoid eating high amounts of sugar. The bacteria in your mouth consume the leftover sugar, turning it into acid. Consequently, this acid will destroy your enamel, causing tooth decay

Instead of eating sweets for a snack, opt for more fibrous fruits and vegetables. Vegetables, such as celery or carrots, are beneficial for a couple of reasons. They can help remove plaque and stimulate saliva production. Saliva is vital for neutralizing bacterial growth in your mouth. Essentially, bacteria thrive in a dry environment, so saliva works to counteract it. 

Finally, you should drink plenty of water. Not only is water good for your overall health, but it is good for your oral health as well. Water aids saliva production and keeps your mouth healthy. If your mouth is dry, it increases your chances of developing tooth decay. 

Published by
Dr. Mark Sowell

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