August Is Dental Implant Month!

August is dental implant month! Dental implants are a durable, natural looking solution to your missing teeth needs. Dental implants can help restore your smile and bring back the confidence you once had. Dental implants can also help patients help fill in gaps in the teeth and permanently replace teeth that have been lost due to trauma, periodontal disease, or other dental issues. Restorative dentist Dr. Mark Sowell recommends that patients should restore their missing teeth as soon as possible because it could lead to infection, bone loss, and jaw recession.

As a trusted member of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI), Dr. Sowell is specially trained in both the surgical and restorative process of dental implants. You can get all the treatment you need in our Plano dentist office. Dr. Sowell works closely with you to help restore your natural smile.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are small, titanium post that is surgically implanted into the jaw bone. Over time, the dental implant will fuse with the jaw bone, making it a stable, long lasting foundation for your missing teeth restoration. Dr. Sowell dedicates hours of continuous training to stay on the forefront of implant dentistry. He offers a wide range of implant service to give patients durable, beautiful, and natural looking results. Dr. Sowell offers:

  • Single implant: For patients missing a tooth. Once the dental implants fuse with the jaw bone, a dental crown can be attached to the dental implant, creating a stable solution for your missing teeth.
  • Multiple Implants: Allows patients with multiple consecutive missing teeth to have a stable tooth replacement option. This requires patients to have a healthy bone structure in order for patients to receive the best results. Dr. Sowell will examine your teeth and jaw to determine if you are a good candidate.
  • All on Four: Allows patients who may not have been an ideal candidate for dental implants to receive the procedure. Patients don’t need a strong bone structure to receive all on four. Dr. Sowell will find healthy bone and tissue to implant four dental implants, creating a stable foundation for your new crown or dental bridge.
  • Teeth in a day: A procedure where all your teeth are removed and replaced with dental implants all in one day. Dr. Sowell will strategically place four or more dental implants to secure a denture or bridge.  The initial restoration process will require the use of a temporary denture or bridge which will aid in the healing process. Once the implants have fully healed, you will have your permanent restoration will be fixed into place.
  • Mini Implants: Mini implants can be available to patients who may not have been ideal candidates for regular dental implants. Mini dental implants are smaller than regular dental implants. They require a less stable bone structure than dental implants.

The Dental Implants Process

During your consultation, Dr. Sowell will examine your teeth and jaw bone to determine what kind of dental implants is right for you. Due to advancements in implant dentistry, Dr. Sowell is able to offer a wide range of dental implant options which makes dental implants available to a wider range of patients. Dr. Sowell incorporates the use of state of the art technology during treatment planning to get an accurate picture of your teeth and jaw bone in order to skillfully restore your smile.

Dental implants usually take 4-6 months to complete because your dental implant needs to properly fuse with the jaw bone before Dr. Sowell can attach your restoration. Dr. Sowell will determine if an implant secured dental bridge, denture or crown will give you the best results.

Schedule A Dental Exam & Consultation

Dr. Sowell is a trusted, experienced implant dentist in Plano, TX. Dr. Sowell will discuss your cosmetic and restorative goals with you to help determine the right treatment for you. If you are patient missing teeth; visit Aesthetic Dentistry Centre. You can schedule a consultation online or call (972) 382-6855 today.