Do Dental Implants Have Risks?

Receiving one or more dental implants comes with risks, just like any other type of oral surgery. However, modern dental technology and professional surgical techniques lessen the chance of these risks. Dr. Mark Sowell provides dental implants on a regular basis to patients in the Plano, TX area. Dental implants are one of the strongest and most reliable ways to replace missing teeth. Dental implants may be used to restore one or more missing teeth. They are durable titanium posts that are surgically placed in the mouth and fuse with the jaw bone. Implants are a secure and long-lasting dental restoration.

Dental Implants in Plano Texas

The Risks Of Dental Implants

Just like with any other type of surgery, there are always possible complications with the dental implant procedure. However, problems with a dental implant are rare and usually minor, and easily repaired. Risks include implant failure, sinus problems, implant site infection, and allergies to titanium or zirconia. Working with an experienced and professional dentist decreases your likelihood of these issues.

A bone grafting treatment may be needed if patients do not have enough jaw bone to support implants. During the bone grafting procedure, Dr. Sowell takes bone tissue from another area of the mouth or body. This bone tissue is then placed on the jaw where it will eventually fuse to the existing bone. This will allow the jawbone to be stable enough to one day support implants. As these are additional surgeries they have their own risks and complications such as infection, more discomfort, and longer recuperation.

The Success Rate Of Dental Implants

Dental implants have a success rate of about 95%, which varies on the health of the patient as well as the number of implants. Implants are highly successful if they are placed by a dental professional. Titanium implants can last over 20 years. If implants are made of zirconia, they can last even longer.

If you have one or more missing teeth, call Dr. Sowell for treatment today at (972) 382-6855. You may also contact us online to schedule a consultation. Please let us know if you have any other concerns about dental implant treatment and we can help you.